Cross Timbers Equestrian Trail Association


Volunteer Mounted Patrol

The Mounted Patrol serves as a courtesy service to assist and inform trail users. Volunteers carry trail maps, a first aid kit, drinking water and park regulation brochures. They also serve as additional eyes and ears for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, by reporting illegal activities, such as campfires, trash dumping, and motorized vehicles. The visibility of the Mounted Patrol is hoped to deter such illegal activities and encourage others who visit to appreciate nature and trail stewardship. Patrol is also done on foot. Hikers, joggers, and nature enthusiasts are welcome to join.

Trail Maintenance

CTETA owns a walk-behind mower and various other implements for trail maintenance. Volunteers often use their own hand tools and equipment for trail surface maintenance and branch pruning. Trail maintenance days are publicized in advance.

Preservation and Acquisition

As with most government agencies, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is faced with cutbacks and limited funds for trail improvements. Club membership dues can only go so far. Therefore, it is important to have a strong membership base, not only for funds to support the newsletter and trail maintenance, but also for a continued strong voice in local matters of trail preservation and acquisition of land for connecting trails.

All work and no play?

Not at all! In addition to trail maintenance days, CTETA also holds a monthly trail ride, an Annual Membership Meeting and BBQ to recognize volunteers, and an annual Seminar featuring guest speakers or demonstrations.

Negative Coggins within 12 months is required for all trail rides and riding clinics.