Cross Timbers Equestrian Trail Association

Cross Timbers Equestrian Trails Association, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, was formed in January 1993 for the purpose of developing and maintaining equestrian trails and to promote trail safety and responsible trail use through membership and volunteerism. CTETA provides these volunteer services to over 25 miles of trails in Denton County, North Texas. Our volunteers clear deadfall, trim trees, cut back brush, and mow grass. CTETA trail ambassadors patrol trails helping to maintain safety for our riders.

We serve under the guidelines of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at the following locations:

The club has individual, family, and business memberships, and has logged hundreds of volunteer hours for trail maintenance and in our trail ambassador program.

Purpose: To develop and maintain equestrian trails and to promote trail safety and responsible trail use through membership, education, and volunteerism.

Trail Stewardship: In cooperation with and under the guidelines of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and area municipalities for the above listed trails

Volunteer Trail Ambassadors: In cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to function as a courtesy service on designated equestrian / hiking trails.

Activities: Monthly trail rides, volunteer trail maintenance & ambassador program, quarterly Board meetings, annual educational meeting, and annual volunteer appreciation BBQ.

Membership runs from November 1 to October 31. Annual dues: $25 Single; $35 Family; $50 Business - business card and link included on website

Established: January, 1993